8. Temptation of the king

9. Meditation in psalm “To when you forget me God”

10. I will love you to the end

11. Jesus came to pay our debts

12. Concerning the Resurrection

13. Promises and gifts

14. The benefits of forgetting on earth and in heaven

15. Obedience

16. What motivates humans

17. Both of you don’t know what spirit you have

18. Results and reactions

19. Limitations

20. Eyes and don’t see

21. Make me repent

22. The importance of time

23. Inner man

24. Absolution of Vesper

25. My relationship with God

26. God and humans

27. One sided love

28. Those who escape from God

29. The good God

30. The Holy God

31. God the creator

32. The powerful God

33. Praising the Virgin

34. God is beautiful and loves beauty

35. God is wise steward in his management

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