Each and every single person, from day one... when they were a tiny little baby... has wanted to be loved. Each and every person, desires to be loved, and those who are not loved... or did not grow up in loving relationships, had probably alot of difficulty growing up, and were unable to thrive. If a tiny baby doesnt recieve enough love, it can die!! So... God created each and every person with a desire to be loved. However, he cannot create a desire, that cannot be fullfilled. Yet why is it that many people, feel empty, or sad? If love is the number one thing that ppl want, then why is it so hard to attain? It is because they do not go to the number one source of love!! God is Love!!
Love actually is such an abstract topic, as easy and simple as it may seem, it actually is very complicated because, when we say God loves us.. we usually think that his love is just a better or bigger version of our type of love. Our conditional love. However, we need to understand that God is different than us. "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. " (Isaiah 55:8)
1. God's love is unconditional. The bible says, "unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood" (Rev. 1:5). The order here is EXTREMLY important for us to understand. God first loved THEN washed. He loved us while we were in the midst of sin. It is like a little boy who fell down and had many sores on his body. When he goes to his mom, she does not say: Go to the hospital, get stitched up, and then ill hug u. Instead she hugs him FIRST, and then gets him cleaned up. God is exactly the same. He hates seeing us fall in sin, yet he still loves us, and will come to us and clean us up. Therefore God's love is unconditional, and undeserved.
It is undeserved.. whether we become super spiritual saints, or are the biggest sinners on earth, God's love does not fluctuate. God loves us, not because of who we are but because of who he is!
God's love is eternal. However, all this sounds nice.. we've heard of it 1000 times.. but.. the problem is, do we truly feel it in our hearts? Its like the ocean.. we say we know the ocean.. But do we reallly know it? How high, how deep, how wide it is etc..?? I think it is worth jumping in the midst of it, to find out, because at the shore it will be quite hard to understand it. *
The word, "Love" is such an understatement, to what God's love really is like. It is uncontained. It's like trying to fit the ocean into a jar!! impossible! God proves his love in many ways , and one of them is his anger!
Many ppl wonder, how come God in the old testament would get angry at the isrealites and punish them. His anger is a sign of love!! It's like having a child who starts doing drugs, and hits old ladies on the street. If he was my child whom i loved.. I would be ANGRY and i will punish him until he changes, because i care about him. If i didnt care about him, i will not get angry. However, God did not bear to see his children slaves of sin... and he did not bear to have us punished, that he took the punishment himself! "But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed." (Isaiah 53:5).
When the Samaritan woman came to the well she was thirsty, but she sought after the water that makes one thirst again. How many times do we go to the world to have our thirst quenched? We turn to ppl, money, success etc... But we should be wise enough like the samaritan woman, to ask for the everlasting water. "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again; but whoever drinks the water I shall give will never thirst; the water I shall give will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." God wants to give us his love abundantly!! This reminds me when i went to Mandarin. I go to eat the waffles, mmm .. but once i left the waffles till the end (the best for last).. i was so full I could not have it. I looked at it with displeasure, even though it is my fav food... It's the same thing with God... once he fills us with his love.. we will never look back at the (waffle - sin, worldly pleasures). The Samaritan woman "left her jar and went back to the city" . When you experience God's love, you will leave everytihng, behind.. u will no longer need anything.. because God becomes everything to u.. Dont be like a fool, who licks drops of water off the sand, when there is a whole ocean in front of him. God's love is much more than the ocean.. enjoy it, and let it saturate u. "Which of the things can satisfy you, if God himself does not? " (St.Augustine)
" Thou hast made us for thine self and our hearts are restless till they rest in thee" St. Augustine
"Love is strong as death..many waters cannot quench love,
neither can floods drown it." Song of Solomon 8:7
Too late have i loved you, O beauty ever ancient ever new, too late have I loved you
-- St. Augustine
“As the deer pants for the water,
So my soul pants for You, O God.”
Psalm 42:1
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From Coptic Books
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