عظات قداسة البابا شنودة الثالث 1994 صوتية

1. He anointed me to preach the poor

2. Both righteous & sin perpetuate themselves

3. My levels of righteousness

4. How to face the problems

5. Perusal of Jonah

6. This is the nature of humanity

7. David the prophet (part 1)

8. David the prophet (part 2)

9. Saul & Jonathan

10. Abraham the father of the fathers
11. Sacrifices and the Holy week
12. Resurrection

13. Who is driving humanity

14. Self righteous

15. The comfort soul

16. Moses with struggling people

17. Ascension feast

18. God’s love to his disciples

19. Apostolic fasting

20. With spirit, right and work

21. Lord, remember our assembly

22. Your eternity
23. What is useful for mankind

24. Talking behaves

25. Loyalty

26. The Pope abroad

27. Do not put us into temptations

28. Nahmia

29. Ezra

30. Jeremiah the prophet

31. David’s psalms

32. David’s psalms continue

33. Your feeling in the New Year
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