عظات قداسة البابا شنودة الثالث 1996 صوتية

1. In preparation for Christmas

2. God is the God of the week

3. The unlimited God

4. Prayer

5. Festival of Saint Anthony

6. Repentance on the fasting of Jonah

7. God is merciful

8. God the forgiver

9. God is the right judge

10. God who is glorified
11. God’s humbleness
12. God is patient

13. God’s wisdom

14. Christ during passion week

16. God is God of all

17. God and Mankind

18. Relationship between God and mankind

19. Examinations

20. How to build your personality

21. From the gifts of the spirit

22. Our fathers the apostles

23. Being firm in God

24. Jeremiah the prophet

25. The righteous Job

26. Abraham the father of fathers

27. Wait upon the Lord

28. That which can not be seen

29. Amen, come Lord Jesus

30. The inner work

31. The virgin Mary
32. Joy with the Lord
33. Peace and confidence I

34. Peace and confidence II

35. From the fruits of the spirit: kindness

36. From the fruits of the spirit: faith

37. From the fruits of the spirit: meekness

38. From the fruits of the spirit: abstinence

39. The Work you have gave me to do

40. To you I have only sinned

41. Rejuvenation in the new year

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